Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Too many have left us too soon.

A friend died yesterday. I know death happens everyday to about 7,000 Americans but for too many it happens far too soon. The friend who died was about a decade my senior but he wasn't even in his mid-50's yet. His health over the past 10 years was not the best but the last 2 years it had improved. The funny part is that I had only talked to him 4 times in two years but still believe that we each would have moved heaven and earth if the other needed it. He had moved a few hours away and it was difficult to get together. I guess we all sometimes lose track of those things that are important.

The reason I start my blog with this post is to remind us the message from "Auld Lang Syne" remains true. While we are all familiar with its use on December 31 every year, its important to remember that its also used for many other things including farewells and funerals. I recall its message is that for the sake of our long friendship we should join hands and share a drink together in the spirit of good will on New Years Eve. To extend that meaning to other occasions, I believe it means that we should not forget our old friends and celebrate reunion with them.

It is also never too late to reach back out and try to reconnect.

Almost everyone makes resolutions each year. Some are minor changes to the normal actions of day-to-day living and other resolutions are unrealistic, unattainable goals. The difficulty I have faced in the past is finding a realistic balancing act but this year I believe I have found a good balance. My resolutions this year will be detailed in the future but the first one that I will attempt to document is to find someone each week that I haven't talked with in the past year and attempt to reconnect. If possible, I will also attempt to get together for a meal or a drink to reconnect in person. Otherwise, a simple phone call may have to do. Each of these efforts will be detailed here.

Step 1: Remember and celebrate your friendships, past and present.

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